Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stitched Creative Impressions Blossoms and Stitching Template

Hello everyone:

It has been a while since I have posted on my own blog as I have been so busy blogging for other sites, so I thought it was about time I blogged on my own site.

Today I would like to share with you the latest project I did for Creative Impressions using their Felt Blossoms along with their Embroidery Stitching Template.  Love it.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stitching on Felt Shapes/Creative Impressions 

Stitching Template

Happy Tuesday Everyone:

I have an easy tutorial today for Stitched Creative Impressions Blossoms
( Pastel 62201, Bright 62203 and Heritage 62202) as well as the Medium Felt
Blossoms (62101, 62102 one 62103) and Leaves (Olive 62302) that were added
to a store-bought plain pencil case for a little extra pizzazz!

I have quite the stash of embroidery thread as I haven't created
anything with cross-stitch for many years now (paper crafting is my
passion now).  It was time to pull the thread out of storage and create
a new use for the thread.  I decided to try stitching on the Felt Blossoms
to see what kind of outcome I would have!  I love it!

I started out by stitching some designs with different colors onto the
Blossoms when I was watching tv at night.  I found it to be really relaxing,
so I just kept on stitching away!  This is what I ended up with:

I just started playing with layering different size blossoms together.
As you can see, there are many different stitches used.   Of course
there was still one thing missing to complete the flowers - Creative
 Impressions Buttons in different colors!
Now I was happy!

Finally, I laid out various Blossoms on my pencil case and began to
adhere them to the case using basic stitches.  Again here is the final piece.

If you find that you aren't really comfortable with embroidery or you
just need some inspiration concerning what stitches to use and where,
not to worry!  Creative Impressions produces and distributes this wonderful
Stitching Template designed by Kathy Shaw.  You will love this!

You can leave the five full templates included together like this -
just place over the desired piece, place a pencil in the holes indicated,
twist the pencil and voila!, you have your pattern perfectly placed on
your blossom or fabric.

In this case I cut apart the template on the broken lines with
scissors and I store them on a metal ring.

Here are a few more examples of choosing the desired stitch and
placing it on your piece.

I know I will be creating a lot more projects with Felt Shapes and
stitching - with and without the template.  Can't wait to get started
on some more!

Happy Stitching!